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End of the Active Score Posting Season

ELMSFORD, N.Y. (November 13, 2023) -- As we enter the colder months in the Met Area, golf courses may still be open for play, but they are likely no longer maintained to the conditions under which they were given their Course Rating. For that reason, the active score posting season comes to an end on November 14. Local rounds played after that date may not be posted for handicap purposes. The active season returns to the Met Area on April 1, 2024.

Should you travel during the winter months to a location that is still observing an active score posting season, scores must be posted for handicap purposes. Your Handicap Index will continue to update on a daily basis as acceptable scores are posted.

During the inactive season, the MGA's eRevision newsletter will be distributed only on the first day of each month.

Please reach out to your club's handicap committee or to the MGA's Member Services department with any questions regarding the World Handicap System or Course Rating.

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