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Inside the Rules

Every month former MGA Senior Director of Rules and Competitions Gene Westmoreland will answer one question posed by the readers of the MGA e-Revision Newsletter (click here to sign up). Tom from Connecticut asked Gene the following Rules question:

Q: During a stroke play event, a player enters all his scores correctly, but adds them incorrectly. Is there a penalty?


Gene responds:

Many clubs and committees may be a little informal in this regard and “delegate” the responsibility to the player. However under Rule 6-6, in stroke play the player is responsible for his hole-by-hole score. He is also responsible for assuring that he has signed his card and that his marker has signed his card. Under Rule 33-5 the Committee is responsible for the addition of scores.

Be sure to check with the “Committee in Charge” as to what your responsibilities are whenever you play in an event.


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