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MGA Shares Updated Strategic Plan

Below, please find a message from MGA President Patrick Donnelly and Executive Director Brian Mahoney, sharing the MGA's new strategic plan.

Dear Met Area Golf Community,

We are excited to share the MGA’s updated strategic plan with you. At the beginning of the year, we started to look at the strategic plan for the MGA. We had not engaged in a strategic planning exercise in the past ten years, and we felt strongly about going through an update process. With the assistance of Steve Mona of Club Benchmarking, our strategic planning exercise involved discussions with numerous Board members, officers, employees, and members of the golf community as well as written surveys submitted by several interested parties. The product of that work has been synthesized into a plan which we think will serve us well as we go forward.


Our Purpose


The strategic plan includes updated statements as to our mission, our vision, our core values, our culture, and our goals. The plan will leverage what we see as the strengths of our organization – our staff, our member clubs, our leadership and army of volunteers, our partners, and our history, legacy, and reputation. Most importantly, the plan is also a roadmap for what we expect to focus on as well as areas of growth for our organization.

This plan will guide leadership for the foreseeable future in aligning annual approach, budgeting, and determining other strategic priorities. It will be an important part of our organizational culture. We will revisit the plan annually and adjust our tactics as necessary.

We feel strongly about sharing our updated strategic plan with our members, neighboring Associations, and colleagues in the industry. We invite you to share your feedback with us and are eager to share more in the future.

Yours in golf,

Patrick L. Donnelly
President, MGA
Brian R. Mahoney
Executive Director, MGA


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