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Ambassador Portal - Coronavirus Information

Coronavirus Information from National Club Association (NCA)

We have provided two sample letters that can be sent to club members regarding the virus:

Letter 1 addresses member concerns about controlling access to the club

Communicating Coronavirus (COVID-19) to Club Members

In response to member inquiries about the potential spread of COVID-19 at the club, one NCA member developed this communication to clarify its responsibility and role in protecting its membership and staff.

Dear Fellow Members,

As we follow the news and learn more about the Coronavirus outbreak, we must rely on the World Health Organization and the federal government and its health agencies to prescribe the everyday preventative actions we all should be taking locally and to handle the screening of international travelers for our protection. We do not regard it as the role of the board or management to establish additional public health policies or protocols to address the virus, or to monitor or evaluate the domestic or international travel history of our members, guests and staff who visit our Club. However, as any further guidance we receive from the government and professional health community going forward may dictate, we will of course promptly address any situation that we feel may place our members and staff at risk.

We have added hand sanitizer stations around the Club, and at the front and rear entrances to the Clubhouse, and encourage members, guests and staff to use them frequently.

We will closely monitor all changes in WHO, federal and state health guidelines, including from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as they relate to the Coronavirus outbreak and continue to ensure a safe environment for everyone’s safety and well-being here at [Club Name].


Disclaimer: The foregoing example is not intended as and does not constitute legal advice. Each club should consult its own board, management and legal advisors.


Letter 2 informs members about safety measures being implemented at the club


Communicating COVID-19 Club Safety Actions to Members


Clubs in Washington, D.C., developed a proactive letter for clubs to communicate to members precautions and measures being taken to maintain a healthy club environment

Dear Members,

Every day we are faced with new information on the spread of the coronavirus and other influenza strains. The final impact of this health crisis is ultimately unknown, but because the health and well-being of our members, their families, guests and our staff are of paramount importance to us, the Club is putting the following procedures in place to maintain a healthy environment. 

We know that the virus is spread primarily through person-to-person contact. It can also be transmitted via infected surfaces where it can survive for several days. Cleaning such surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for the prevention and the spread of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in community settings. 

The Club has increased the frequency of hard surface cleanings and disinfecting throughout the Clubhouse. You will see significant emphasis paid to high traffic areas. We have added disinfecting wipes at entries to the Grill & Dining Room, clearly labeled the hand sanitizers outside all restroom throughout the Club, instructed staff to wipe down doorknobs and handles, and other frequently used hard surfaces.


Additionally, all Club staff have been specifically instructed to remain at home if there is any belief that he or she is ill or has come into contact with someone that is ill, or who has recently traveled to an area of concern. We suggest that everyone consider adopting the same approach.


A Club has an important responsibility to look after its members. You can rest assured we will have a laser focus on this goal with respect to the proper maintenance and care of our clubhouse to ensure a healthy environment. We will stay connected with you as we monitor developments of this potential health challenge. 


President            General Manager


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