Met Golfer | |
December '07/January '08 | |
A PERFECT 10 He's the MGA Player of the Year yet again, and success for George Zahringer II comes off the course as well. He seems to be enjoying it more than ever before. UP CLOSE: DAVE ANDERSON The legendary New York Times columnist is the 2007 Distinguished Service Award recipient and an eyewitness to five decades of sports history. WORKIN' FOR A LIVIN' A diverse collection of careers and golf backgrounds marks the roster of 2007 MGA club champions. CRUISE CONTROL A meandering golf cruise down one of Europe's most famous rivers was just what one seasoned golfer needed for a change of pace. MET METHODS: DO YOUR CLUBS MEASURE UP? Make sure your putter, sand wedge and driver fit you properly, and watch your scores go down. THE LAST WORD: CAPTAIN'S PICK |
December '07/January '08 |